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Jurisdiction in Germany

Jurisdiction in Germany. Five basic types of court. Ordinary Courts (Criminal cases & Civil cases), Administrative law Courts, Tax law Courts, Labour law Courts, Social law Courts. Ordinary Courts: Civil matters- Local Court (Amtsgericht), Regional

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The Germany Constitution

The German Constitution. History and Structure. Historical background. Frankfurt Constitution (Paulskirchenverfassung) 1849.“Bismarck“ Constitution (Reichsverfassung) 1871. Weimar Constitution (Weimarer Verfassung) 1919.

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The Gathering Storm

Thomas Lether, Lether & Associates | USA Seattle “All men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness”. Read more here:

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Investing in Real Estate in Spain

Spain has become been very popular for international investors for several reasons: good climate and food, easy going way of living, popular holiday destination in Europe and attractive prices. But which are the steps in the process

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NFTs and Legal Issues

Minting your first NFT is exciting, but a lot of people get stuck once they need to fill out the metadata. It’s really not that complicated but it can overwhelm someone who is first time in NFTs. In this article, we’ll share what is NFT and legal

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The Germany Constitution

The German Constitution. History and Structure. Historical background. Frankfurt Constitution (Paulskirchenverfassung) 1849.“Bismarck“ Constitution (Reichsverfassung) 1871. Weimar Constitution (Weimarer Verfassung) 1919.

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The Gathering Storm

Thomas Lether, Lether & Associates | USA Seattle “All men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness”. Read more here:

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Investing in Real Estate in Spain

Spain has become been very popular for international investors for several reasons: good climate and food, easy going way of living, popular holiday destination in Europe and attractive prices. But which are the steps in the process

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Jurisdiction in Germany

Jurisdiction in Germany. Five basic types of court. Ordinary Courts (Criminal cases & Civil cases), Administrative law Courts, Tax law Courts, Labour law Courts, Social law Courts. Ordinary Courts: Civil matters- Local Court (Amtsgericht), Regional

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